Oktoberfest barometer

When is the best day to go to Oktoberfest? This barometer will tell you all you need to know.

When’s the best day to Oktoberfest?
I've added this barometer guide to help you plan your sessions at the fest.
Weekends are the busiest times as you’d expect.
Go early if you don’t have a table reservation and be ready to battle the crowds.

GOOD TIME TO GO?: Don't get stuck outside the beer tent when it's cold outside - check the Oktoberfest barometer!

The tents fill up pretty much every evening though, so you’re guaranteed an electric atmosphere whenever you're there.
To find out about special events, opening and closing times for the festival, see the story on Oktoberfest 2019 dates here.
Dates given here are for the 2019 Munich Oktoberfest. Green means it's not too busy, yellow it's bustling and red it's rammed to the gills.
Tip: If you're using a smartphone, you may need to turn it side-on to see the whole table.

12pm to 3pm
3pm to 6pm
6pm onwards
Saturday, Sept 21
barometer-tab-red barometer-tab-red
Sunday, Sept 22
barometer-tab-red barometer-tab-green
Monday, Sept 23
barometer-tab-green barometer-tab-green
Tuesday, Sept 24
barometer-tab-yellow barometer-tab-green
Wednesday, Sept 25
barometer-tab-green barometer-tab-green
Thursday, Sept 26
barometer-tab-green barometer-tab-green
Friday, Sept 27
barometer-tab-yellow barometer-tab-red
Saturday, Sept 28
barometer-tab-red barometer-tab-red
Sunday, Sept 29
barometer-tab-red barometer-tab-yellow
Monday, Sept 30
barometer-tab-green barometer-tab-yellow
Tuesday, Oct 1
barometer-tab-yellow barometer-tab-yellow
Wednesday, Oct 2
barometer-tab-green barometer-tab-yellow
Thursday, Oct 3
barometer-tab-green barometer-tab-yellow
Friday, Oct 4
barometer-tab-yellow barometer-tab-red
Saturday, Oct 5
barometer-tab-red barometer-tab-red
Sunday, Oct 6 barometer-tab-red barometer-tab-red barometer-tab-yello

Now that's sorted, let's raise a glass!

MORE: Ein Prosit lyrics - learn the words to the Oktoberfest's most popular song (and what they mean in English)

MORE: Adidas has made an Oktoberfest shoe and it repels beer and spew

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It's 227 pages of up-to-the-minute travel intelligence and it can be yours as an eBook for less than the price of an Oktoberfest beer. (read on)

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